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Although much of the information about the state of the blockchain can be obtained, as we've shown before, using an event subscriber and a filter to narrow the scope of the events to those of interest, sometimes you need to take a more direct approach. Enter queries.

Queries are small instruction-like objects that, when sent to an Iroha peer, prompt a response with details from the current world state view.

This is not necessarily the only kind of information that is available on the network, but it's the only kind of information that is guaranteed to be accessible on all networks.

For each deployment of Iroha, there might be other available information. For example, the availability of telemetry data is up to the network administrators. It's entirely their decision whether or not they want to allocate processing power to track the work instead of using it to do the actual work. By contrast, some functions are always required, e.g. having access to your account balance.

The results of queries can be sorted, paginated and filtered peer-side all at once. Sorting is done lexicographically on metadata keys. Filtering can be done on a variety of principles, from domain-specific (individual IP address filter masks) to sub-string methods like begins_with combined using logical operations.

Create a query

Use QueryBox to construct a query. For example, a query to find all accounts would be created like this:

let query = QueryBox::FindAllAccounts(FindAllAccounts {});

Here is an example of a query that finds Alice's assets:

let alice_id =
let query = QueryBox::FindAssetsByAccountId(


For both a Vec<Z> and just Z as the return type, you can use client.request(query) to submit a query and get the full result in one go.

However, some queries, particularly the ones with "All" in their names, can return exorbitant amounts of data. As such, we highly recommend you consider pagination to reduce the load on the system.

To construct a Pagination, you need to call client.request_with_pagination(query, pagination), where the pagination is constructed as follows:

let starting_result: u32 = _;
let limit: u32 = _;
let pagination = Pagination::new(Some(starting_result), Some(limit));


When you create a query, you can use a filter to only return the results that match the specified filter.


Iroha 2 can sort items with metadata lexicographically if you provide a key to sort by during the construction of the query. A typical use case is for accounts to have a registered-on metadata entry, which, when sorted, allows you to view the account registration history.

Sorting only applies to entities that have metadata, as the metadata key is used to sort query results.

You can combine sorting with pagination and filters. Note that sorting is an optional feature, most queries with pagination won't need it.


Check the list of existing queries for detailed information about them.