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Sample Configuration Files

Here you can find sample configuration files for Iroha 2:

## For the full reference, go to (TODO put link)

## You can use another TOML file to extend from.
## For a single file extension:
# extends = "./base.toml"
## Or, for a chain of extensions:
# extends = ["base-1.toml", "base-2.toml"]

# chain_id =
# public_key =
# private_key = {
#   algorithm = ,
#   payload =
# }

# file =
# public_key =
# private_key =

# address =
# block_gossip_period = "10s"
# block_gossip_max_size = 4
# transaction_gossip_period = "1s"
# transaction_gossip_max_size = 500
# idle_timeout = "60s"

# address =
# max_content_len = "16mb"
# query_idle_time = "30s"

# init_mode = "strict"
# store_dir = "./storage"

## Add more of this section for each trusted peer
# [[sumeragi.trusted_peers]]
# address =
# public_key =

# level = "INFO"
# format = "full"

## Transactions Queue
# capacity = 65536
# capacity_per_user = 65536
# transaction_time_to_live = "1day"
# future_threshold = "1s"

# mode = "read_write"
# create_every = "1min"
# store_dir = "./storage/snapshot"

# name =
# url =
# min_retry_period = "1s"
# max_retry_delay_exponent = 4

## A path to a file with JSON logs
# out_file = "./dev_telemetry.json"
  "transactions": [
        "Register": {
          "Domain": {
            "id": "wonderland",
            "logo": null,
            "metadata": {
              "key": {
                "String": "value"
        "Register": {
          "Account": {
            "id": "alice@wonderland",
            "signatories": [
            "metadata": {
              "key": {
                "String": "value"
        "Register": {
          "Account": {
            "id": "bob@wonderland",
            "signatories": [
            "metadata": {
              "key": {
                "String": "value"
        "Register": {
          "AssetDefinition": {
            "id": "rose#wonderland",
            "value_type": "Numeric",
            "mintable": "Infinitely",
            "logo": null,
            "metadata": {}
        "Register": {
          "Domain": {
            "id": "garden_of_live_flowers",
            "logo": null,
            "metadata": {}
        "Register": {
          "Account": {
            "id": "carpenter@garden_of_live_flowers",
            "signatories": [
            "metadata": {}
        "Register": {
          "AssetDefinition": {
            "id": "cabbage#garden_of_live_flowers",
            "value_type": "Numeric",
            "mintable": "Infinitely",
            "logo": null,
            "metadata": {}
        "Mint": {
          "Asset": {
            "object": "13",
            "destination_id": "rose##alice@wonderland"
        "Mint": {
          "Asset": {
            "object": "44",
            "destination_id": "cabbage#garden_of_live_flowers#alice@wonderland"
        "Transfer": {
          "Domain": {
            "source_id": "genesis@genesis",
            "object": "wonderland",
            "destination_id": "alice@wonderland"
        "Grant": {
          "PermissionToken": {
            "object": {
              "definition_id": "CanSetParameters",
              "payload": null
            "destination_id": "alice@wonderland"
        "NewParameter": "?MaxTransactionsInBlock=512"
        "NewParameter": "?BlockTime=2000"
        "NewParameter": "?CommitTimeLimit=4000"
        "NewParameter": "?TransactionLimits=4096,4194304_TL"
        "NewParameter": "?WSVDomainMetadataLimits=1048576,4096_ML"
        "NewParameter": "?WSVAssetDefinitionMetadataLimits=1048576,4096_ML"
        "NewParameter": "?WSVAccountMetadataLimits=1048576,4096_ML"
        "NewParameter": "?WSVAssetMetadataLimits=1048576,4096_ML"
        "NewParameter": "?WSVTriggerMetadataLimits=1048576,4096_ML"
        "NewParameter": "?WSVIdentLengthLimits=1,128_LL"
        "NewParameter": "?ExecutorFuelLimit=55000000"
        "NewParameter": "?ExecutorMaxMemory=524288000"
        "NewParameter": "?WASMFuelLimit=55000000"
        "NewParameter": "?WASMMaxMemory=524288000"
        "Register": {
          "Role": {
            "id": "ALICE_METADATA_ACCESS",
            "permissions": [
                "definition_id": "CanRemoveKeyValueInAccount",
                "payload": {
                  "account_id": "alice@wonderland"
                "definition_id": "CanSetKeyValueInAccount",
                "payload": {
                  "account_id": "alice@wonderland"
  "executor_file": "./executor.wasm"
# chain_id =

## Might be set via `TORII_URL` env var
# torii_url =

# login =
# password =

# id =
# public_key =
# private_key =

# time_to_live = "100s"
# status_timeout = "100s"
## Nonce is TODO describe what it is
# nonce = false