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Get Started

  1. Install Iroha 2.
  2. Build Iroha 2
  3. Follow one of the language-specific guides to learn how to set up and configure Iroha 2, register a domain and an account, register and mind assets, and visualize outputs:

If you have previously worked with Iroha, start with our comparison of Iroha 1 and Iroha 2. That will help you understand the differences between the two versions and upgrade to the newer one.

Before you dive into tutorials and deploy Iroha 2, we suggest you read through the Security section to learn about core security principles and operational security measures that are necessary to ensure the safety and validity of data and assets. This section also covers cryptographic keys, how to generate them, and how to store them securely.

Check the tutorial where you can follow one of the available language-specific guides in Bash, Rust, Kotlin, Javascript, or Python. The guides introduce you to the basic concepts and provide code snippets that you can run yourself.

In the Blockchain chapter you can find documentation for Iroha features, such as Iroha Special Instructions, triggers, queries.

The Configuration and Management section explains Iroha 2 configuration files in great detail and covers topics such as genesis blocks and accounts, client configuration, and public and private modes.